Rain Barrel Workshop

You’re invited to a

Rain Barrel Workshop

Saturday, April 27, 2019
10 am to Noon
at Hilltop Park, 2nd & Bank Sts., Bordentown

Make your own environment-saving rain barrel guided by Rutgers’ Mike Haberland

Click on the link below for more information and registration. Contact Mike to ensure your space:

Rain Barrel Workshop on Earth Day

Rain Barrels Ready to be Made

The Bordentown City Environmental Commission will be holding a Rain Barrel Workshop on “Earth Day”, Saturday, April 22nd at the Carslake Community Center, 207 Crosswicks St. in Bordentown City. Registration fee is $45 land includes all materials to make a complete rain barrel. Make sure you have a way to get your finished barrel home!

To register email Mike Haberland at mike.haberland@rutgers.edu or call him at 856-216-7130 x3

Or Click here to open the official Flyer/Sign Up Form