Daily Archives: July 14, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission: Minutes of June 12, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of June 12, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Michael Lahr

Meeting called to order at 7:32 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Lahr, Brooke McMinn, Don Stein, Michael Tunney

(Members of the public present): Joe Malone, Sally Miller, Susanne & Charles Kunkle


May minutes approved.


Public comment:

  1. Joe Malone reports maintenance of Hilltop Park should be completed by Fall 2013.
  2. Joe Malone hopes to urge City to adopt ordinances that will place structure improvements/additions on properties in context of neighborhood.
  3. Property at 2nd and Park Streets is officially undergoing restorations.

Communications and Announcements:

  1. 1.      Lime Kiln Park update:  Bare spots still need to be seeded. What is the maintenance plan?  Until equipment is bought by the City, it will be mowed only—later area around trail to be mowed and the rest brush hogged maybe twice a year (or as deemed needed). Parking area needs better definition. Picnic table was stolen.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: Malone will find out the property line between Oliver Street Park and the neighboring property that recently added a house. No decision on maintenance schedule.
  3. Green Team update: No officers present. Green Fair seemed a moderate success—fewer attendees but also fewer vendors on an otherwise cloudy day. Joel’s wife painted the rain barrel that was “raffled”—not an inexpensive effort. It was displayed at the Green Fair and will be “raffled” off at the Cranberry Festival.
  4. Street Fair report: Moderate attendance on Saturday, perhaps better on Sunday. Many new additions to the BCEC e-mail address book.
  5. Sustainable Jersey recertification: No update. Mike Tunney reported that some advancements in talks with City officials.
  6. Community Garden update. Location? Joe Malone seemed to think the school’s property would be problematic. Said he will check into the possibility of a location behind the barn at Poor Clares.
  7. Native Plant Garden update: Ralph and Joel will check with Leona about what plants were where in the garden and report to Brooke and Andy.
  8. Heritage Trail: Joel took photos of the trailhead on Bordentown Beach. Joe Malone said more is to come down at the Beach. Some concern was expressed about bicycle signage on Farnsworth since the trail was put in place. Mike Lahr and others reported that the sign really is not stating anything that is not already right by law—motorist should yield to bicycles. No official bike lanes will be put in place.
  9. BCEC should have a notice somewhere on its website pointing out where yard and other wastes should be disposed.

BCEC Events:

  1. Although technically not a BCEC event, the Sierra Club is sponsoring two screenings of the movie Gasland II on June 15 that will feature discussion with Director Josh Fox. Joel may send a bulk e-mail to the BCEC contact list about it.
  2. Will add automobile donation link for NJ Make-a-Wish Foundation on the BCEC website.

Planning Board:

  1. No June Planning Board Meeting.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. No news.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM (the next meeting will be July 10, 2013 at 7:30 pm.)