Daily Archives: February 1, 2016

BCEC Minutes – January 2016

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of January 13, 2016

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Katie Nosker

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Ralph Tolemeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Co-Chair), Leah Ingalsbe-Ducey, Katie Nosker, Mike Tuney, Andy Richardson, Keith Onsdorff, Joe Malone (Mayor)

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw

Minutes: Minutes from December 9, 2015 approved.

Communications, Announcements, New Business:

  • BCEC Membership Recruiting
    1. Ralph encourages everyone to recruit new members
    2. Mike Tuney is appointed to the Planning Board
  • Planning Board Report
    1. Katie drafted memo of support to the Planning Board regarding the Ocean Spray site. BCEC supports the comment and makes edits. BCEC would like to meet with Interface Design to discuss plans. Katie will make edits and send to Mike Tuney for presentation to the Planning Board.
    2. Joe Malone reports on Planning Board and other city activities:
      1. 5 houses were approved in the Feed Mill site
      2. A developer, Chris Vernon, is working on a hotel on the McGuire Chevrolet site. The plan is to break ground in April. Part of the property is in the City, while part is in the township. This property will have a large digital sign that the city will be able to use to promote events. Developer is considering a shuttle from the hotel to the City’s downtown.
  • The City is working with Fieldsboro on some shared services, including police and other services
  1. Joe Malone wants to start an Executive Council to demonstrate how Bordentown’s form of government works
  2. The City now owns properties that are derelict. The plan is to raze them or turn them over.
  3. A gazebo is going to be constructed on the beach soon. The permits for this have been acquired. Another gazebo will be going up at Hilltop Park.
  • The City has a grant for playground equipment. They will be replacing equipment in City parks
  • Radiological contaminants have been found in Bordentown City water, which is shared with other municipalities. A temporary filtration system has been installed. The City is taking samples to determine if contaminants are reaching city homes. New wells are being drilled. This is a 6-9 month process. The City held a hearing about this issue. Joe Malone stated that he could ask the engineering firm do an Earth Talk in May on this issue
  • Green Team Report
    1. Sustainable Jersey actions are a priority for the green team. They are submitting actions periodically as we progress toward spring
      1. Ralph is working on prescription drug collection action
      2. Katie and Mike are working on an action for the BCEC to provide recommendations to the Planning Board
  • Leah is working on a community garden action and reusable bags action
  1. Joel is working on a recycling action
  2. Andy is working on a school garden action
  1. January is Radon awareness month – check your homes!
  • BCEC Budget
    1. Any budget requests should be sent to Ralph
    2. Joe Malone wants to set up an ordinance to guarantee funds to BCEC and other city entities. This will be more permanent than resolutions, which are currently used
    3. BCEC is able to do fundraisers if they choose – perhaps for community garden activities
    4. BCEC is a member of ANJEC. We pay annual dues to belong to this group.
  • Fall/Winter BCEC Newsletter – prepared by Joel, newsletter is approved. He will hold off on emailing it until the submission procedures are finalized with the City. Survey is included in the newsletter

Ongoing Projects:

  • Community Garden Update
    • Leah will talk with Grace about fee collection and registration.
    • City will distribute Community Garden flyer
  • Earth Talks and Events:
    • Leah will conduct community garden earth talk on March 22nd at 7pm
    • Consider pollination station to do Earth talk on February 2nd
    • Street Fair – May 21st and 22nd
    • Pat Skelly has been awarded the 2015 Excellence in Environmental Education Award. There will be a dinner and conference on January 22nd


The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Next BCEC Meeting: Wednesday February 10, 2016 @ 7:30 PM

BCEC Minutes – December 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of December 9, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Katie Nosker

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Ralph Tolemeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Co-Chair), Leah Ingalsbe-Ducey, Katie Nosker, Mike Lahr

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw

Minutes: Minutes from November 11, 2015 approved.

Communications, Announcements, New Business:

  • BCEC Membership Recruiting
    1. Mike Lahr is stepping down from the Planning Board and BCEC as of the end of 2015
    2. Ralph encourages everyone to recruit new members
    3. Katie Nosker is considered for liaison position with Planning Board
  • Planning Board Report
    1. Ralph Tolemeo reported on the Planning Board Meeting on Novemb7th. Interface Design reported on their past community and focus group meetings, and presented 3 potential scenarios:
      1. A reuse option that was all commercial
      2. A mixed use option that contained commercial and residential – most people supported the mixed use option, including Mayor and potential developer of the site
  • A residential only option
  1. This could be a potential area for the Environmental Commission to provide comments, such as:
    1. The Environmental Commission would like to see the Thornton Creek Trail fixed up and maintained
    2. Permeable paving
  • Comprehensive stormwater management plan
  1. Traffic calming
  1. Mike Lahr reported on an emergency meeting of the planning board in which it was announced that the McGuire Chevy Site was officially declared an area in need of redevelopment, and that the site will be developed into a Fairfield Inn Extended Stay facility with a car wash
  • Green Team Report
    1. Sustainable Jersey actions are a priority for the green team. They are submitting actions periodically as we progress toward spring
      1. Action requiring the BCEC to submit a site plan review was discussed. Cathy thinks submission is possible for this action whether or not we have
    2. On November 28th Cathy and Cindy were on a panel regarding large, medium and small town Green Teams at the League of Municipalities conference. Conference was a success
  • 2015 BCEC Budget Report – Ralph reported that $153 are left in the budget
  • 2016 BCEC Budget Proposal – Green Fair, Community Garden, Green Team, speakers and plants for gardens around town and/or for the schools were agreed upon priorities. BCEC adds $1000 for community garden. Group agrees that BCEC should purchase shopping bags, and doggie bag dispensers. Other requests should be submitted to Ralph
  • Fall/Winter BCEC Newsletter – prepared by Joel, newsletter is approved. He will hold off on emailing it until the submission procedures are finalized with the City. Survey is included in the newsletter

Ongoing Projects:

  • Community Garden Update
    • Ralph will talk with the Mayor to determine who in City Hall will be collecting the applications and fees
  • Earth Talks and Events:
    • Leah will find a presenter to talk on Community Gardens on Feb 2nd at 7pm


The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Next BCEC Meeting: Wednesday January 13, 2016 @ 7:30 PM

BCEC Minutes – January 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of January 14, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-Chair), Leah Ducey, Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Andy Richardson

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw, Katie Nosker, Mayor Malone, Sallie Miller

No minutes to approved.  September and December minutes approved.

Public comment:

Communications and Announcements:

  1. Lime Kiln Park update: Mayor to meet with Lime Kiln Committee to review maintenance plan, Mike Tunney will mark out where to cut for city workers. Mayor Malone will ask the county to cut Ships Alley with flail mower once a month to keep growth back. Message kiwannis about taking over care of Butterfly garden- weeding/ mulching. MAy 2nd garden clean up and teach Kiwanis how to keep weeded. Pavilion will be set up down by the creek.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: Need to establish paths and maintenance plan.
  3. Green Team updates: No update to school garden. Plans to attend DBA meeting to talk about handing out reusable bags for Chocolate walk in February and possible ordering more. Green Business Recognition Program for new laundromat in town, GT working on Green Business Award. Laundromat was focus of green business Register News article. City GT looking into working with Township GT for Green Fair to ease work load. Next Green Team meeting 1/20, 7pm at Carslake Community Center.
  4. Community Garden Update– Leah Ducey is working on fence quotes. We still need quotes for water pipe installation- Mayor says about 4K, resurfacing basketball court, pavilion, and walking track. Looking to hold a Community meeting about garden in February or March. Leah, Andy, Cathy and Cindy are working on Sustainable Jersey grant for garden due 2/1.
  5. BCEC membership update: Need to replace Brooke’s position, Mike Tunney and MIke L expire 5/2015. Letter to be sent to members who no longer attend meetings to ask if still interested, if not we will look to replace them.
  6. Crosswicks Creek water issue was brought to our attention to look into. Mayor said it already has been decided to put in a treatment plant.
  7. Mayor Malone said he would ask City attorney about updating Master PLan and if old city plan leaves us vulnerable to unwanted development at the old Ocean Spray plant.
  8. City water has had low levels of radioactives, Water plant has plans to drill new well and update filters to address issue.
  9. Mayor Malone and Ziggy Targonski attended meeting with PA DEP to argue new Hazardous waste disposal plant across river in Bristol, PA.
  10. Mayor has recommended that the BCEC does not create a facebook page for liability reasons.

BCEC Events:

  1. 2/17 Skunk and Groundhog talk
  2. 4/18 Rain Barrel workshop
  3. 4/25 Drug collection
  4. 5/2 Clean up at Butterfly Garden in Lime Kiln
  5. 5/16 Street Fair
  6. 6/13 Greenfair
  7. 10/3-10/4 Cranberry Festival

Planning Board

  1. Board looking to nominate people for Ocean Spray redevelopment committee- Mike Lahr and Deb Branson.
  2. New owner of Ocean Spray is Dan Popkins, owner of Recycled Modern Spaces. Redevelopment grant to assist with redevelopment of 3rd street to rt 206 on Park St (possible Brewery, upscale market). Elizabeth st most likely to stay a warehouse.
  3. Aldi taking over Bottom Dollar and Dunkin Donuts going in parking lot.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. $3600 new budget

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 (the next meeting will be February 11th at 7:30pm.)

BCEC Minutes – February 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of February 11, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Cindy Gallagher

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Ralph Tolemeo (Chair), Katie Nosker

(Members of the public Present): Cindy Gallagher, Jacob Richman, Samantha Wolfe (Watershed Ambassador)

Minutes Approved: January 2015 minutes approved

Communications and Announcements:

  • Lime Kiln Pavilion: Mike Tunney suggested that members view the area and bring suggestions to next meeting for proposed placement, dimensions of pavilion not known
  • 2015 Earth Talk schedule discussed, confirmed February 17 talk was set and ready to go, Ralph Tolemeo will set up River Keeper talk and suggest topic for Proposed Pipeline Education, it was determined that the Lighting Fair (and possibly Police Bicycle Registration) should take place in tandem with the Drug Collection on Saturday, April 25, 2015, BCEC still waiting for Kiwanis feedback for May 2nd clean-up, Samantha Wolfe (Watershed Ambassador) discussed Rain Barrel Workshop details and will follow up at next meeting
  • Planning Board Report: Mike Lahr updated on proposed development of Union Street Pants Factory site
  • Green Team Update: February 1, 2015 deadline for Community Garden Grant met and updates as to grant awards due March 11, 2015, Ralph Tolemeo agreed to reach out to the City governing body re: Farmer’s Market to see who Market Manager is for 2015, discussion of capacity building grant funds to be spent on T-shirts and more re-usable bags, Green Business Recognition set for March 9, 2015 Commission meeting, Green Fair 2015 request for BCEC assistance with needs list, members to come prepared to March meeting to sign up

Other Business:

There was discussion of $3,500 left from a monetary gift to the BCEC and thoughts for spending, suggestions were for a bicycle rack and possibly Community Garden assistance