BCEC Minutes from 3/12/13

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of March 13, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Lahr, Michael Tunney, Leah Ducey, Andy Richardson, Don Stein

(Members of the public present): Cathy Shaw, Sallie Miller

February  minutes approved.

Public comment:

  1. 1.       Cathy Shaw announced that the next Greenteam meeting is March 26th at 7pm at Carslake Center. Meeting will discuss Green Fair and Sustainable Jersey Actions—volunteers needed- (Cathy asked if the BCEC could send out a Greenteam volunteers needed email through their email list).

 Communications and Announcements:

  1. Lime Kiln Park update:  Ralph, Mike T, and Joel met with Diana Raichel regarding new maintenance plan- schedule was updated and new park map plan received; Shipp’s building at the end of the right of way is gone.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: we are waiting for the house being built adjacent to the park to be completed before restoring the land that was damaged by the builders; Diana Raichel will provide maintenance schedule, area  needs to be brush hogged.
  3. The D and R Greenway spent $1,178,000 to buy park land in the city.
  4. The township will lend the city their brush hog when one is needed.
  5. Community Garden update: Leah is planning on mapping it out over spring break.
  6. Sustainable Jersey recertification:  There is a new Sustainable Jersey website; Pat Skelly is putting together a list of actions that the city can try to get points for, the BCEC 2011 and 2012 annual report is needed for recertification, we have 100 out of 150 pts for Bronze level, application needs to be in by June and work completed by the end of the summer.
  7. Leah will contact city about waste being dumped at Hilltop Park, the status of the CO on the house on Oliver by the park and limbs being down in local play areas.
  8. Sallie will ask Bob Erickson about a possible sandwich sign that may be in public works to use for advertising Earth talks.
  9. Volunteers are needed for the Citywide Shade tree planting-4/13.
  10. City engineer, Matt Pey contacted BCEC about working on storm water management in the city.
  11. BCEC will apply for ANJEC open space grants of $1500 to maintain and complete new projects at Lime Kiln and Oliver Street.

BCEC Events:

  1. Rainbarrel workshop is to be set for a Saturday, 4/20, 9am to 1 pm.
  2. Street fair May 18th and 19th– Updated newsletter needed and people need to volunteer to staff time slots- see Andy.
  3. 6/8, Sat- Green Fair at Carslake Center
  4. 9/7, Sat – Walk of Lime Kiln with Diana Raichel

Planning Board:

  1. Turning the old pants factory into a senior home was brought up: tax credits are needed to make plan work. Nothing is approved.
  2. Construction on the unfinished townhouse at the corner of Park and 2nd should begin by the end of the month.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. 1.       $400 was spent on ANJEC dues
  2. 2.       $70 was spent to reserve a spot at the May Street Fair
  3. 3.       $90 was spent to make 2 rain barrels to be raffled off at the street fair and Cranberry festival by the BCEC.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 (the next meeting will be May 8, 2013 at 7:30pm.)

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