BCEC Minutes of 4/10/2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)
Minutes of April 10, 2013
Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room
Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm

Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Lahr, Michael Tunney, Leah Ducey, Andy Richardson, Don Stein

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw

March minutes approved.

Public comment:

  1. Cathy Elliott-Shaw announced that Jeannie O’Sullivan of the Burlington County Times is writing an article on the projects that the BCEC and Greenteam have accomplished in the city and would like people from the BCEC to come talk with her. A time will be set up through Cathy.
  2. 5 resolutions for Sustainable Jersey were passed at the last Commissioner’s meeting, Monday 4/8.
  3. The next Greenteam meeting is 4/16 to talk about Green fair planning and Sustainable Jersey certification.

Communications and Announcements:

  1. 1.      Lime Kiln Park update:  Butterfly Garden area tilled dates for planting are as follows: 4/18 rough edging and grading, 4/26 for weed matting and 1st planting, 5/3 final planting- coordinated with Diana Raichel of the D &R Greenway. On 4/24 wood chips will be placed on the trails- coordinated by Mike Tunney and Don Stein.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: plans are on back burner until Lime Kiln is finished.
  3. Joe Malone, Head of Parks has promised to buy a brush hog for city use and is aware of fill and broken glass mess at 2nd street park.
  4. Community Garden update: Leah is mapping it out.
  5. Sustainable Jersey recertification:  see public comment area.
  6. Volunteers are needed for the Citywide Shade tree planting-4/13, 9am at City Hall.
  7. BCEC will apply for ANJEC open space grants of $1500 to maintain and complete new projects at Lime Kiln and Oliver Street.  Ralph is working with City hall on getting the grants completed.
  8. Annual report is being worked on by Ralph.
  9. Joel completed the Newsletter- looks great.
  10. New BCEC website is being designed and is looking good.

BCEC Events:

  1. Rainbarrel workshop is to be set for a Saturday, 4/20, 9am to 1 pm. 2 rainbarrels are being made by the BCEC for raffling off.
  2. Street fair May 18th and 19th– Updated newsletter needed and people need to volunteer to staff time slots- see Andy.
  3. 6/8, Sat- Green Fair at Carslake Center
  4. 9/7, Sat – Walk of Lime Kiln with Diana Raichel

Planning Board:

  1. Pants factory plan was passed: plan is to establish affordable senior apartments. A small parcel of land recently acquired by the City from Ocean Spray was donated to the old pants factory conversion. Building design, parking, floor plan and lots were conditionally approved by planning board.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. 1.       Ralph submitted proposed budget for $2500 for 2013.
  2. 2.      There is $3450 left of the $5K donated by Mr. Tupek- this is kept in a separate account. Possible items to spend money on include” gates for Lime Kiln.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05(the next meeting will be May 8, 2013 at 7:30pm.)

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