BCEC Minutes – July 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of July 8, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Mike Lahr

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Co-Chair), Andy Richardson, Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Katie Nosker, Keith Onsdorff.

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw, Joe Malone (Mayor), Sigmund Targonski, Sally Miller.

Minutes: June minutes were presented and approved.

Communications, Announcements, New Business:

  • Membership list was updated by attending members.
  • New Earth Talks
    1. August 19 and October 21, 2PM: Tours of Burlington County Resource Recovery Complex: Up to 20 people per tour on weekdays only. Ralph to check with Anne Moore.
    2. September 22, 7PM: Earth Talk on the Pinelands.
    3. November 10, 7PM: Earth Talk by either Cedar Run or Pollination Station.
    4. Next meeting consider ramble with Abbott Marshland, bicycle ride up the canal, and/or clean-up events.
  • No July Planning Board Meeting
  • Green Fair: Set up smoother. Location of BCEC table excellent. Tent appreciated by sitting participants. Simultaneous baseball game caused some issues. Bottleneck on closing. Paper shredder during a farmer’s market night?
  • As of July 7, budget was at $2234.05. $488 for doggie bags paid by City out of Clean Communities funding. Some Green Fair bills may yet come.
  • Ralph will write Mayor Malone about tour of Ocean Spray property by BCEC members (and Steering Committee?)

Ongoing Projects:

  • Community Garden Update;
    • July 18 @ 8AM: BCEC, Green Team, and volunteers to install mesh fence. Mike T to bring lumber and nail gun(s).
  • High School Native Plant Garden: no new news
  • Lime Kiln Alley
    • Request for trimming needs signed document (Mayor Malone).
  • Oliver Street: no discussion.

Other Business:

Joel announced that the Native Plant Brochure was redone. Ralph will see to it that 100-150 are printed.


The meeting adjourned at about 8:30 pm.


Green Team Meeting: Tuesday July 21 @ 7:00 PM.

Next BCEC Meeting: Wednesday August 12 @ 7:30 PM.

BCEC Minutes – May 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of June 10, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Joel Dowshen

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Katie Nosker, Joel Dowshen, Andy Richardson, Kate Connors , Keith Onsdorff.

(Members of the Green Team and public Present): Cathy Elliott-Shawn, Joe Malone (Mayor), Devon Valenti, Patty Ritter, Angela Ritter, Christopher Ritter, Kevin Ritter, Colleen Ritter, Jamie Jones.

Minutes: May minutes not available as there was no quorum for the meeting. Minutes for the March and April meetings were presented and approved.

Communications, Announcements, New Business:

  • New members of the Environmental Commission;
    1. Kate Connors and Keith Ornsdorff were introduced and welcomed.
  • Storage of all BCEC display materials;
    1. Signage and supplies are now in Sallie’s office in Carslake.
    2. After the meeting members helped consolidate and eliminate outdated material.
  • Additional Doggie Bags have been ordered for $488.
  • New Earth Talks will begin in the Fall.
    1. Ideas for the talks will be discussed at the July meeting.
  • Planning Board report:
    1. Mike Lahr was away for the last meeting so Mayor Malone noted that there has been a ground-breaking for the senior housing project at the old shirt factory; Park and 2nd The contract has been awarded and work has begun.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Community Garden Update;
    • Several members of the BCEC and Green Team and volunteers installed the post & rail fence
    • The next step is installation of a low, mesh fence to keep out animals.
      • The date of installation will be either June 20th or 27th 8:30 am start.
      • Once date is settled and email will go out for volunteers
    • High School Native Plant Garden;
      • This is being done as a joint effort between the BCEC, the Green Team, the Township Environmental Commission and students.
        • They are looking at making it a pollinator garden
      • Lime Kiln Alley;
        • The butterfly garden has been put in excellent shape by volunteers (especially the Unitarian Church group). Would like to have them commit to future maintenance.
        • The City is maintaining the property by keeping the entry/picnic/butterfly garden areas mowed, the trail/path mowed. And are leaving the meadow areas grow naturally with an annual or semi-annual trimming.
      • Oliver Street Parks:
        • Mayor Malone commented that the pocket park given to the City by the Delaware River Greenway (near the power plant and Union St.) is now being maintained and mowed by the City.
        • Mayor Malone asked if the City could mow the Oliver St. park (at Oliver and Chestnut). The Commission agreed that the area could be completely mowed and reviewed in the future to re-establish the trail and recreation aspects.

Other Business:

  • The 2015 Street Fair;
    • Attendance seemed to be off this year. Possible cause might be competition from other festivals in the area, e.g. Burlington City celebration.
    • There was a rumor that the 2016 Fair would be reduced to one day. Mayor Malone said that the business association will continue with the 2-day schedule.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm when all members joined the Green Team for a Green Fair planning session.

BCEC Minutes – April 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of April 8, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Katie Nosker

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Ralph Tolemeo (Chair), Katie Nosker, Joel Dowshen

(Members of the public Present): Cathy Elliott-Shawn, Bill Wolfe

Minutes: March minutes not available

Communications and Announcements:

  • Community Garden: Mike Tuney says the area will be tilled soon. Cathy Elliott-Shawn explained that the goal is to gether community members to form a committee, which will set the rules and guidelines for the garden. The plan is to have a pilot this planting season.
    1. Green team requests $3,000 in BCEC funds to build a fence around the community garden. Mike Tuney motions to vote, Mike Lahr seconds. BCEC votes unanimously to approve the use of BCEC funds for the community garden fence.
    2. Joel Dowshen says he can send out an email to generate interest and notify the community of this garden. Green team will provide language for the email.
  • BCEC material storage: Ralph Tolemeo spoke with Sally, she suggested using the batting cage area, which can be secured.
  • Doggie Bags: Ralph Tolemeo will check to see if the Clean Communities Grant can be used to pay for these bags. Cathy Elliott-Shawn will talk with the Watershed Ambassador to see if she knows of other funds available.
  • Drug Drop Off: Ralph Tolemeo reported that police departments can qualify to accept drugs. Ralph will contact Bordentown City to see if the Police Department would like to be qualified to accept drugs.
  • 2015 Events: Ralph Tolemeo will obtain city equipment for the Riverkeeper presentation on April 14th. The Shade Tree Commission Tree Planting and the Rain Barrel workshop will both occur on April 18th. The Lime Kiln Butterfly Garden Cleanup will occur on May 3rd in cooperation with the Unitarian Church. The theme for the street fair on May 16th and 17th will be the community garden and reusable bags. Green Fair is scheduled for June 13th – the Green Team will be requesting assistance. Ralph Tolemeo will set up a site visit to the new single stream recycling center on a weekday in the fall. The Cranberry festival is scheduled for October 3rd and 4th.
  • Planning Board Report: Mike Lahr explained that the Old Saint Mary’s Nursery School project passed and that funding is in place for the pants factory rehab.
  • Green Team Report: Cathy Elliott-Shawn reported that the school garden is in need of a school liaison. Members are working on creating qualifications for the sustainable business award.

Other Business:

Bill Wolfe will provide a proposal to create more objective standards around noise, nuisance, and anti-idling concerns.

BCEC Minutes – March 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of March 11, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:3 pm

Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-Chair), Leah Ducey, Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Katie Nosker

(Members of the public present): Cathy Elliott-Shaw, Cindy Gallagher

No minutes to approved.  February minutes approved with the Correction of Modern Equipment name.

Public comment:

Communications and Announcements:

  1. Lime Kiln Park update: Unitartians will help 5/3 after church to help weed and mulch butterfly garden. Lead Ducey will be there to guide volunteers.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: Need to establish paths and maintenance plan.
  3. Green Team updates: Cindy Gallagher and Cathy Elliott-Shaw presented Green Business Award to Paul Ciarroca at the Commissioner meeting; Green business decal(donated by Underground Graphics) to go in store window and hope to encourage other businesses to work towards award. Cindy has been trying to get in touch with DBA to talk about handing out more reusable bags. Looking for ways to promote Lighting fair, date? Samantha the watershed ambassador with hook up with Jill Popko to help with high school garden.
  4. Green Fair Update: Volunteer task list going around, please help where you can. BCEC paying for Ad in Bordentown Current.
  5. Street fair update: Cindy is in charge of staffing- 5/16-17 9am-4pm. PLease help staff the booth. Theme will be Green Fair and Community Garden.
  6. BCEC membership update: Katie Nosker appointed.
  7. Farmers Market: Cindy working on finding out who market manager is so GreenTeam can help promote market.
  8. Community Garden Update– No word on grant status. Cathy Elliott-Shaw called AME Zion Church for community meeting 3/24-25, waiting to hear back.
  9. Earth Talk Update: Good turn out on February Skunk Earth Talk, next up Riverkeeper 4/14.
  10. Joel Dowshen brought up the Princeton Environmental Film Fest 3/19-29. Go check out films! Joel also brought up Trenton City Museum Exhibit: The Built Environment 3/14-5/3- Restoring Historic Buildings to be Energy Efficient.

BCEC Events:

  1. 4/11 Shade tree planting
  2. 4/14 Riverkeeper talk
  3. 4/18 Rain Barrel workshop
  4. 4/25 Drug collection
  5. 5/3 Clean up at Butterfly Garden in Lime Kiln
  6. 5/16 Street Fair
  7. 6/13 Greenfair
  8. 10/3-10/4 Cranberry Festival

Planning Board

  1. Vote on resolution for St. Mary’s Nursery school to become residential- School did not follow Planning Boards recommendation to allow access to parking lot.
  2. Committee for Planning Ocean Spray picked Interface to design space for 100k grant received by the City for Park st. front. City will Contract with Interface.

BCEC 2013 Budget :no update

Meeting Adjourned at 9:23 (the next meeting will be April 15th at 7:30pm.)

BCEC Minutes – February 2015

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of February 11, 2015

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes Prepared by Cindy Gallagher

Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 P.M.

Attendance: Mike Lahr, Mike Tunney, Ralph Tolemeo (Chair), Katie Nosker

(Members of the public Present): Cindy Gallagher, Jacob Richman, Samantha Wolfe (Watershed Ambassador)

Minutes Approved: January 2015 minutes approved

Communications and Announcements:

  • Lime Kiln Pavilion: Mike Tunney suggested that members view the area and bring suggestions to next meeting for proposed placement, dimensions of pavilion not known
  • 2015 Earth Talk schedule discussed, confirmed February 17 talk was set and ready to go, Ralph Tolemeo will set up River Keeper talk and suggest topic for Proposed Pipeline Education, it was determined that the Lighting Fair (and possibly Police Bicycle Registration) should take place in tandem with the Drug Collection on Saturday, April 25, 2015, BCEC still waiting for Kiwanis feedback for May 2nd clean-up, Samantha Wolfe (Watershed Ambassador) discussed Rain Barrel Workshop details and will follow up at next meeting
  • Planning Board Report: Mike Lahr updated on proposed development of Union Street Pants Factory site
  • Green Team Update: February 1, 2015 deadline for Community Garden Grant met and updates as to grant awards due March 11, 2015, Ralph Tolemeo agreed to reach out to the City governing body re: Farmer’s Market to see who Market Manager is for 2015, discussion of capacity building grant funds to be spent on T-shirts and more re-usable bags, Green Business Recognition set for March 9, 2015 Commission meeting, Green Fair 2015 request for BCEC assistance with needs list, members to come prepared to March meeting to sign up

Other Business:

There was discussion of $3,500 left from a monetary gift to the BCEC and thoughts for spending, suggestions were for a bicycle rack and possibly Community Garden assistance