BCEC Minutes of September 11, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of September 11, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm

Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Tunney, Leah Ducey, Don Stein, Charlie Kunkel, Mike Lahr, Andy Richardson

(Members of the public present): Mayor Malone, Cathy Elliott-Shaw

July minutes approved.

Public comment:  none

Communications and Announcements:

  1. Lime Kiln Park update:  possible rain garden on steep slope; no rocks are going around parking area, Dianna Raichel needs help planting more plants and weeding butterfly garden 9/26  or 9/27.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: brush hog in fall.
  3. Green Team updates: lighting fair and compost workshop on 9/7 were well attended; Sustainable Jersey application coming along, going for silver certification; sewer plant tour sat 9/14. People in the community have asked for a map on trails and kids activities; possible weeding day for Railroad ave?
  4. Library Native plant garden– needs to be cleaned up and new plants added and thin older plants. Best time for this is spring.
  5. The Creative arts committee has been added as a new sub-group of the BCEC.
  6. Staffing for Cranberry festival needs help.

BCEC Events:

  1. Green Team  sewer plant tour 9/14.
  2. Earth talk about the Abbott marsh 9/18.
  3. Cranberry festival 10/5-6.
  4. Ramble on towpath 10/19.

Planning Board: No news

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. $2500 has been approved for Green Team.
  2. Mayor Malone said we raise money but must be deposited in city account. No raffles.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 (the next meeting will be October 9th, 2013 at 7:30pm.)

Bordentown City Environmental Commission Minutes of August 14, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of August 14, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Joel Dowshen

Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Lahr, Andy Richardson, Charles Kunkle, Michael Tunney, Brooke McMinn

(Members of the public present): Joe Malone, Sally Miller, Cathy Shaw, Zig Targonski


July minutes not yet available for approval.


Public comment:

  1. As general information, Joe Malone noted that the departure of Ocean Spray continues to be delayed. The company’s plan is to be out by the end of 2014, but that may be optimistic.
  2. The unoccupied structure at Park & Second Streets is still in limbo. There is a possibility of it being razed if there is no further action toward meeting code

Communications and Announcements: None

Old Business:

  1. Lime Kiln Park update:  A decision must be made as to whether we call it Lime Kiln “Park” or “Preserve”. Additional stone has been put down, expanding the parking area. Boulders to border the parking area are still in question. The bollards (consisting of two posts and a chain) are in the near-term plan to protect the lower trail head from unauthorized vehicular traffic. Bollards protecting the vehicle access to Shipps is still in question. According to Mayor Malone, the tractor has been ordered and will be available shortly. Don Stein has made cuts through the meadow that is currently in full bloom. A once a year complete cut of the meadow appears to be the best plan.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: No current plan to clean, cut, and upgrade the park, but there was renewed discussion of using it for a community garden. Once the tractor is available, scheduled cutting of the trails and meadow can resume.
  3. Community Garden Update: Brooke and Andy are still leading the look for a good location. Oliver  St. Is in the mix again. Spring 2014 is the target to have the garden in place.
  4. Demonstration Rain Garden: Brook discussed the possibility of establishing a demo rain garden after May 5th of 2014. A plan must be done including funding source for the plantings. Cathy Shaw is checking to see if the garden will gain us Sustainable Jersey points. The goal is to be placed on public property (e.g. the bottom of Lime Kiln Park).
  5. Library Native Plant Garden: Andy will continue to head the project. Leona Lee has volunteered to help in maintaining the garden (as a previous BCEC member, Leona was instrumental in planning and developing the garden).
  6. Next Rain Barrel Workshop: Will be scheduled for April 2014 near Earth Day.
  7. Sustainable Jersey recertification:  see public comment area.
  8. Green Team Update: Next Green Team meeting is August 20th.  The Lighting Fair and Composting Workshop will be on September 7th. A Sewer Plant Tour is planned for September 14th. Brochures produced by the Green Team for the above events have been distributed to the entire City. The Sustainable New Jersey application is due on September 15th. It will be made in time and there is a possibility that Bordentown City will be elevated to the Silver Level (if enough points are reached. Cathy wants to put together a flyer/fact sheet on the vultures currently inhabiting the City. There is also a grant application coming up. Cathy would like to apply and needs ideas, e.g. Oliver Street development, hiring kids again next year for summer projects, etc. Ralph and Joel are working on a BCEC schedule of events (see below) for the Green Team to distribute to locals.

New Business:

  1. Planning Board: Mike Lahr reported that the meeting was brief and focused on adjusting the plan for the new residential structure at the old “Pants Factory”.
  2. Website and Email Lists & Campaigns: The new website is getting rave reviews and has become a “living” document since it is being continually revised and updated. The mailing list has grown to almost 500 names (all people who have subscribed either at BCEC events or online. The current mailing addressed the upcoming Earth Talk in September (see below). Additional mailings (up to two a month) were discussed to occur as the need arises. E.g. the Green Team can take advantage of the list and the new email system.
  3. Scheduled Events:  September 7th (Saturday) – Lighting Fair and Composting Workshop at Carslake. September 18th (Wednesday)  Earth Talk with Prof. Mary Allessio Leck – “Beguiled by the Abbott Marshlands” – 7:30 pm at Carslake. October 5th & 6th (Saturday and Sunday) – Cranberry Festival – staffing needs were discusses; Andy will coordinate. October 19th (Saturday) – Guided D&R Canal Tow Path Ramble – Sponsored by the Friends for the Abbott Marsh and the BCEC – Leader: Stephanie Fox, park naturalist, and Vicki Chirco, historian – 1:30 pm.
  4. Wish List: Ralph asked that members bring a list of things that the BCEC is working on to the next regular meeting so committees and committee assignments can be established.

Other Business:

  1. Mike Lahr would like to begin discussion on re-establishing the Thornton Trail. It is very much overgrown and in need of clean-up and maintenance.
  2. Andy asked for members to send him photos of relevant BCEC events and of parks and recreation areas in Bordentown City. They will be printed and used in BCEC displays and literature.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 PM (the next meeting will be September 11, 2013 at 7:30pm.)

Bordentown City Environmental Commission Minutes of July 10, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of July 10, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Leah Ducey

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), , Michael Tunney, Leah Ducey, Don Stein, Charlie Kunkel

(Members of the public present): Mayor Malone, Cathy Elliott-Shaw, Cindy Gallagher, Katie Nosker, Mike Heaney


No minutes to approve


Public comment:

  1. Cathy Elliott-Shaw announced that the Greenteam will be hosting a lighting fair and composting workshop 9/7.
  2. Mayor Malone announced the following: Hilltop park is to be finished in November, 2nd st park is almost finished, Buy Local Burlington fliers were distributed, and there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at Bordentown Beach for the Heritage Trail.


Communications and Announcements:

  1. 1.      Lime Kiln Park update:  BCEC is to agree on  maintenance plan- Leah, Don and Mike Tunney will meet 9:30, 7/12 to discuss plan; the Mayor has asked for a list of needs for Lime Kiln; tractor has been bought to manage fields and trails through the meadow have been established.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: in the fall we need to brush hog and start again in establishing native plantings and trails.
  3. Suzanne Birchfield and Charlie Kunkel  are the newly appointed member  of the BCEC.
  4. Community Garden update:  Mayor Malone is looking into permission from Clare Estates to use their property; Leah will map out a possible garden off of Burlington st.

BCEC Events:

  1. 1.      Greenteam will host lighting fair and compost workshop 9/7 at Carslake Community Center.

Planning Board:

  1. Fulltime housing inspector hired to help clean up derelict houses.
  2. An ordinace on housing compatability has been passed- any major renovations must match housing zone.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. 1.       Ralph submitted proposed budget for $2500 for 2013.
  2. 2.      There is $3450 left of the $5K donated by Mr. Tutek- this is kept in a separate account. Possible items to spend money on include” gates for Lime Kiln.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05(the next meeting will be August 14, 2013 at 7:30pm.)

Bordentown City Environmental Commission: Minutes of June 12, 2013

Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

Minutes of June 12, 2013

Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

Minutes prepared by Michael Lahr

Meeting called to order at 7:32 pm


Attendance: (Quorum present) Joel Dowshen (Vice-chair), Michael Lahr, Brooke McMinn, Don Stein, Michael Tunney

(Members of the public present): Joe Malone, Sally Miller, Susanne & Charles Kunkle


May minutes approved.


Public comment:

  1. Joe Malone reports maintenance of Hilltop Park should be completed by Fall 2013.
  2. Joe Malone hopes to urge City to adopt ordinances that will place structure improvements/additions on properties in context of neighborhood.
  3. Property at 2nd and Park Streets is officially undergoing restorations.

Communications and Announcements:

  1. 1.      Lime Kiln Park update:  Bare spots still need to be seeded. What is the maintenance plan?  Until equipment is bought by the City, it will be mowed only—later area around trail to be mowed and the rest brush hogged maybe twice a year (or as deemed needed). Parking area needs better definition. Picnic table was stolen.
  2. Oliver Street Park update: Malone will find out the property line between Oliver Street Park and the neighboring property that recently added a house. No decision on maintenance schedule.
  3. Green Team update: No officers present. Green Fair seemed a moderate success—fewer attendees but also fewer vendors on an otherwise cloudy day. Joel’s wife painted the rain barrel that was “raffled”—not an inexpensive effort. It was displayed at the Green Fair and will be “raffled” off at the Cranberry Festival.
  4. Street Fair report: Moderate attendance on Saturday, perhaps better on Sunday. Many new additions to the BCEC e-mail address book.
  5. Sustainable Jersey recertification: No update. Mike Tunney reported that some advancements in talks with City officials.
  6. Community Garden update. Location? Joe Malone seemed to think the school’s property would be problematic. Said he will check into the possibility of a location behind the barn at Poor Clares.
  7. Native Plant Garden update: Ralph and Joel will check with Leona about what plants were where in the garden and report to Brooke and Andy.
  8. Heritage Trail: Joel took photos of the trailhead on Bordentown Beach. Joe Malone said more is to come down at the Beach. Some concern was expressed about bicycle signage on Farnsworth since the trail was put in place. Mike Lahr and others reported that the sign really is not stating anything that is not already right by law—motorist should yield to bicycles. No official bike lanes will be put in place.
  9. BCEC should have a notice somewhere on its website pointing out where yard and other wastes should be disposed.

BCEC Events:

  1. Although technically not a BCEC event, the Sierra Club is sponsoring two screenings of the movie Gasland II on June 15 that will feature discussion with Director Josh Fox. Joel may send a bulk e-mail to the BCEC contact list about it.
  2. Will add automobile donation link for NJ Make-a-Wish Foundation on the BCEC website.

Planning Board:

  1. No June Planning Board Meeting.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. No news.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM (the next meeting will be July 10, 2013 at 7:30 pm.)

Bordentown City Environmental Commission Minutes of May 12, 2013

 Bordentown City Environmental Commission (BCEC)

 Minutes of May 12, 2013

 Carslake Community Center Senior’s Room

 Minutes prepared by Michael Lahr


Meeting called to order at 7:32 pm

Attendance: (Quorum present) Ralph Tolomeo (Chair), Michael Lahr, Andy Richardson, Don Stein, Michael Tunney

(Members of the public present): Joe Malone, Sally Miller, Cathy Shaw

April minutes approved.

Public comment:

  1.  Cathy Elliott-Shaw reported in the Green Team Meeting of May 7. They made of list of needs for Sustainable Jersey that must be accomplished by September 15. She will e-mail the list.
  2. The Green Fair is June 8. BCEC is allocated a table.
  3. The next Green Team meeting is 7 PM on 5/21 to talk about final Green fair planning.

Communications and Announcements:

  1.  Lime Kiln Park update:  Butterfly Garden is completed. Mike Tunney says Public Works will do future mowings. Linda Mead of D&R Greenway wants to raise signage. What name for this area? Lime Kiln Alley Preserve was favored over the Black’s Creek Project. Bare spots still need to be seeded
  2. Oliver Street Park update: Diana is asking for $1,700 for rehabilitation of Oliver Street Park due to use during work on a neighboring property.
  3. Rain barrel workshop a success. 12 rain barrels were made on 4/20 from 9AM to 1 PM.
  4. Sustainable Jersey recertification:  see public comment area.
  5. Native garden at the Library: Brooke and Andy didn’t meet. Signage and plant markers may be needed. Any old pamphlets available?
  6. May 17th and 18th D&R is holding a native plant sale at its Lawrence Township location.
  7. Annual report was released.
  8. The newsletter and annual report were added to the BCEC website.

BCEC Events:

  1. Street Fair May 18th and 19th– Mike Lahr and Ralph Tolemeo can work early the 18th. Sally Miller and Andy Richardson can work all day as needed. Mike Tunney will help build up and tear down both days. Need volunteers for the 19th –see Andy. Mike Tunney suggested that it would be freshen up the trifolds with recent photos of BCEC activities. Does Kiwanis have pictures? Mike Tunney says he has some from the Butterfly Garden.
  2. 6/8, Sat- Green Fair at Carslake Center will need volunteers to man the table.
  3. 9/7, Sat – Ramble of Lime Kiln with Diana Raichel

Planning Board:

  1. Pants factory plan redesign was presented with more parking spaces. Board approved the revisions. Discussion commenced on prospects for property on Third Street at the far end of Anne Street—the old lumber-mill property.

BCEC 2013 Budget:

  1. No new news.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:07PM (the next meeting will be June 12, 2013 at 7:30pm.)